国际采购与供应 International Purchasing and Supply
经济学导论 Economics Issue: An Introduction
商务行为技巧 Behavioural Skills for Business
创建客户文化 Creating a Culture of Customer Care
任教前,在中国及新加坡多个知名企业从事物流和供应链管理工作。积累了丰富的第三方物流管理经验以及制造业制造与分销管理的经验。2002年至2004年在新加坡思路公司任物流分析师。新加坡思路公司是一家提供多方电子物流解决方案的第四方物流供应商,为惠普、微软、英特尔、IBM等跨国企业集团提供多方物流解决方案。作为物流分析师主要负责与惠普亚太区代运公司如DHL、BAX Global,KWE进行日常运营管理以及KPI考核。2005年从新加坡回到中国任Crocs中国区物流经理,负责建立了中国区的物流队伍,并设定了工作流程与业绩评估方法。同时负责协调美国总部、中国代工厂之间的生产和分销工作,以及签约3PL的管理。2007年研究生毕业后加入北京康捷空国际货运代理有限公司厦门分公司任物流分销服务经理。北京康捷空美国货运代理及后勤供应商Expeditors International Of Washington Inc在中国成立的国家一级货运代理公司。任职期间主要负责制定物流分销的销售目标及相关考核标准;建立并监督物流分销的运作流程;管理物流分销人员,并提供相关的培训以提高物流分销服务;管理第三方仓库等。
Yang Shuai completed her Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2007 at RMIT University in Australia. She was Logistics Analyst serving for HP Singapore, Logistics Manager of Crocs China. She also worked for Expeditors China Xiamen Branch as Distribution Service Manager. She hasaccumulated rich experiences in supply chain management areas including 3PL management and distribution management.
From 2002 to 2004, Yang Shuaiworked for SCFulfil Pte. Ltd, as Logistics Analyst in Singapore. SCF is a 4PL of Hewlett-Packard managing their freight and logistics activities in the whole of Asia Pacific. Its role is to co-ordinate all such activities with their nominated forwarders, like DHL, BAX, KWE and EGL. As a Logistics Analyst, Yang Shuai was responsible for coordinating with HP' s nominated forwarders on daily operations and KPI appraisal. In 2005, she worked for Crocs China as Logistics Manager. During her service for Crocs, she built China logistics team and established SOP of inbound & outbound operations. She was responsible for liaising with planner and logistics team in USA head office on shipping and planning issues;managing OEM's shipping performance and nominated 3PL’s performance. She joined Expeditors Xiamen Branch in 2007 as Distribution Service Manager. Expeditor is a leading global logistics company with an outstanding reputation for top quality and services. It's in the Fortune Global 500. Her main responsibility included proposing customized distribution services package to customers, establishing and managing distribution operations, and managing the 3rd party' s warehouse, etc.
She joined the International College of Xiamen University in 2008. She is the head teacher of major studies. Main courses delivered by her are International Logistics, International Purchasing and Supply, Creating a Culture of Customer.
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