
牛牛游戏下载 招生
教育背景:布里斯托大学 硕士 University of Bristol(MS) 江西师范大学 学士 Jiangxi Normal University(BA)
研究方向:国际金融学、公司金融、金融会计等International Finance、Corporate Finance、Financial Accounting
电子邮箱:[email protected]


金融业导论 Financial Sector:An Introduction

经济学导论Economic Issues:An Introduction

世界经济 Economics 2: The World Economy

国际贸易机构 International Trade Institution

养老金规划Pension Provision

客户服务文化构建 Creating a Culture of Customer Care

服务营销 Services Marketing

会计学基础 Fundamental Accounting

市场营销原理Principles of Marketing

国际理财记分单元1 Graded Unit 1(FS)

国际理财记分单元2 Graded Unit 2(FS)

国际理财记分单元3 Graded Unit 3(FS)


彭宇菲,毕业于江西师范大学国际金融专业,经过四年系统的金融理论学习,以获得国家奖学金的成绩申请至英国布里斯托大学攻读硕士,并以优异的成绩取得了会计与金融管理专业硕士学位。本科期间实习于中国工商银行江西省分行业务部,提升了金融业务的实际操作和信贷风险管理能力。硕士毕业后任职于厦门某上市公司财务与投资管理部门,主要负责国外子公司的经济业务及其财务报表的分析研究;并协助公司开展财务共享中心的筹建工作,熟练掌握了SAP系统的操作,也积累了丰富的工作经验。自2017年起,在牛牛游戏下载-牛牛app 专业组任教,主要承担金融类课程的教学工作。在金融、会计学科的学习以及在银行、企业的相关工作经历,提高了其理论结合实践的能力,并能灵活运用在教学中。

Yufei Peng obtained bachelor degree of 'International  Finance' in Jiangxi Normal University. After four years's ystematic study of financial theory, she got the National Scholarship and applied for a master's degree at University of Bristol. Then, she obtained a degree of Master of Science in Accounting,Finance and Management with excellent grades. During her undergraduate period, she worked as an intern in ICBC Business Department, which enhanced her practical operation of financial business and credit risk management ability. After graduating from the University of Bristol, she worked in the Finance and Investment Management Department of of a listed company in Xiamen, and was mainly responsible for the economic businesses of foreign affiliates and their financial statements' analysis. Besides, she also assisted the company in establishing the Financial Shared Service Center (FSSC) and mastered the operation of SAP system, during which she accumulated a wealth of working experiences. Now, she works in International College of Xiamen University since 2017, teaching the financial courses. The multi-disciplinary academic backgrounds in finance, accounting and relative working experiences in bank and enterprise make her has a good combination of theory and practice, which could be put into practice flexibly in teaching.



The Influence of Industrial Diversification on Firm Value

