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教育背景:澳门城市大学 博士 City University of Macau, Doctorate Degree in Business Administration 华南理工大学 硕士 South China University of Technology, MS
研究方向:CSR and Marketing,Organizational Behavior
职称:助理教授 Assistant Professor
电子邮箱:[email protected]


市场学导论 Marketing:An Introduction

人力与组织管理 Managing People and Organizations


厦门市高层次留学引进人才。管理及英文复合专业背景,英语专业八级,曾先后在澳门科技大学及澳门城市大学任教,有着丰富的国际化跨文化教育经验。在科学研究方面,参与了多项澳门特区政府部门委托的系列研究项目及内地省级课题,参加国际学术研讨会做主题演讲并发表专业领域学术论文数篇, 积累了丰富的有关企业管理及社会经济发展领域的研究经验。

As the Xiamen high level overseas talent, Dr. Lin-bo ZHANG has dual education background in Management and English (TEM-8). Before joining the International College of Xiamen University, Dr. Zhang served as teaching assistant in Macau University of Science and Technology, and lecturer in City University of Macau, that made Dr. Zhang gaining a rich international teaching experience. For the academic research, she has presided over or participated in a series of research projects commissioned by Macau SAR government and provincial level projects in Mainland China, shared the research achievements at international academic seminars, and published several academic papers. Dr. Zhang has accumulated rich research experience in the field of business management, as well as social and economic development.


1. Research on the Shelf Display Strategy of Supermarkets in Amoy. MMER, July, 2021,Shanghai, China. P.23-27.

2. An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Corporate Social Performance and Firm Performance: Evidence from Public Utility Corporations. ISBDAI’20, April, 2020, Johannesburg, South Africa. P.133-136.

3. A Study on the Motivations for Volunteer Work of Employed Youths in Macau. ICICEE, Nov., 2017, Hong Kong, China. P.356-368.

4. Project of A Study on Incentive Mechanism of Volunteerism among Macau Employed Youth (2013)

5. Project of A Comprehensive Study on the Interactive Strategic Development between MICE and Gaming Industries in Macau—Towards an Innovative Mechanism (2012)

6. The thesis of Study on Tourism Environmental Bearing Capacity of Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area was named the best Master thesis (2010)

7. Project of Dongguan International Tourism Marketing Plan (2010-2014) (2009)

8. Green Tourism and Its Prospect in China (2009). Ecological Economy, 1, 265-267.

9. Chapter VII of Tourism Public Management. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2009. ISBN: 9787300102658(2009)

10. Project of The Tenth Five-Year Planning Project of Guangdong Education and Research-- Strategic Choice of Internationalization of Tourism Higher Education in Guangdong (2007)

11. The Development Trend of Tourism and MICE Industry in China. Keynote speech in The 2ed International Conference on MICE Tourism Education and Industrial Development in the Asia-Pacific Region, Macau, China (2007)




Certified TOEFL Teacher ( Oct. 2013) by ETS

Certified TOEIC Teacher ( Nov. 2011) by ETS
