雅思听力Listening for IELTS,雅思口语Speaking for IELTS
大学毕业后确定了对英语教学的热情,赴英国纽卡斯尔大学攻读应用语言学与对外英语教学的硕士学位。留英期间,在Gateshead College担任英语助教,教授来自欧洲、亚洲等非英语母语的成人学生。回国至今一直从事雅思的一线教学工作,教学风格受学生喜爱,许多学生都获得雅思6-7分的好成绩。
After graduating from university, I confirmed my enthusiasm for English teaching and went to the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in UK to study for a master's degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. During my stay in the UK, I worked as an English teaching assistant at Gateshead College, teaching adult students from Europe, Asia and other non-native English speakers. Since returning to China, I has been engaged in the front-line teaching of IELTS. My teaching is popular with students and many of my students reached band 6-7 in IELTS test.
厦门大学第九届青年教师技能大赛(校级)优秀奖 (2014年)
Excellent Prize Winner of the 9th Teaching Competition of Xiamen University (2014)