信息交流与技术 Information and Communication Technology
信息基础Information Technology Foundation
应用软件1 Application Software 1
应用软件 2 Application Software 2
电子制表 IT in Business:Spreadsheets
商务信息技术初级 ICT in Business:An Introduction
商务信息技术高级 ICT in Business:Advanced
数字取证 Digital Forensics
计算机故障排除 Troubleshooting
信息网络论 Network Information Theory
研究技巧 Research Skills
数学 Mathematics
CN综合记分单元1 Graded Unit 1(CN)
CN综合记分单元2 Graded Unit 2(CN)
GTB/BA综合记分单元2 Graded Unit 2(GTB/BA)
2014-2015 Metropolitan Office, Directorate of Forensic Services, Project Engineer
Cooperated with Metropolitan Offifice on the project iOS Software Encryption for Deleted Data Recovery, extracted the extant data, recovered the deleted data and decrypted the data. And then the Metropolitan Offifice used the data for forensic investigation.
2015-2017: PwC management consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Consultant
Worked as an associate consultant of the Forensics Consulting Department, focused on financial crime review, fraud risk management and computer authentication technical services, compliance review and other related information services. 2017—2018:洛阳三彩艺陶瓷有限公司,营运经理
2017-2018: Luoyang Sancaiyi Ceramics Co., Ltd, Operational Manager
Responsible for domestic and international exhibition planning, established sub brands, build management teams and expand sub brand channels.2018-至今:牛牛游戏下载-牛牛app
2018-present: International College of Xiamen University
Cooperated with Metropolitan Office on the project iOS Software Encryption for Deleted Data Recovery, extracted the extant data, recovered thedeleted data and decrypted the data.And then the data was used by MetropolitanOffice for forensic investigation.
2012年获得The North Face“去野行者计划”全国第一名及7万元资金赞助,世界报业百强之一《大河报》刊登正版图文进行了相关报道。
Won the first prize of The North Face 'Go Wild' competition and 70,000 yuansponsorship.The Dahe Daily which is one of the one hundred world's most distinguished journalspublished my stories and photos with a full page.